Vickie Remoe to start dishing out prizes for excellent media content 

Vickie Remoe

By Alfred Koroma        

Popular Sierra Leonean social commentator and blogger, Vickie Remoe is set to start dishing out prizes for outstanding journalism and new media content published locally.

The event, dubbed as the Vickie Remoe Journalism & New Media Prize begins next year with a total NSL 200,000 set to be awarded to four categories of media content which includes news writing, photography, documentary video, and new media.

It will be an annual event and winners will be announced on every Independent Day in Sierra Leone, April 27.

Journalists and new media content creators will receive the award base on the excellence, originality, and creativity of their contents.

The Vickie Remoe Prize award has four prize categories and much that will go for news writing which has been assigned four awards while two is meant for photography, two for videography, and two for new media content creators.

 For news writing NSL 10,000 has been assigned for the four prizes.  But to win a prize in this category, Judges would have to look at the outstanding nature of a selected news story which could be local or national, investigative, explanatory, or feature reporting that demonstrates originality, lucid writing, clear presentation, and community connection as a benchmark.

The Prize for the category of Photography is NSL 20,000 for the two awards. Here, a photographer would be awarded for a distinguished breaking news, documentary, and feature photography that consists a set of photographs not exceeding 12 images.

The award for Film will go to videographer(s) for a short and outstanding fictional, nonfictional film or a nonfictional documentary videography, playing for at most 45 mins run time. Here, NSL 30,000 is available for the two awards.

While NSL 20,000 will be awarded to a Sierra Leonean content creator or creative entrepreneur for a digital or new media contents in music, podcast, vlog, blog, and video.

The prize is meant for Sierra Leonean residents who have not more than five years of experience as a practitioner. There is no age limit for participation. Women and People Living With disabilities are strongly encouraged to apply.

 Vickie Remoe & Company staff and their family are not eligible to apply for the award.


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