New Statistician General takes over office

Andrew Bob Johnny taking over from Professor Osman Sankoh ( Malam O)

Stats SL is now under the leadership of Andrew Bob Johnny who is the newly appointed Statistician General and CEO of Stats SL.

Andrew Bob Johnny who has worked for Stats SL for 29+ years and garnered a lot of institutional memory, took over office in an official handing over ceremony from his predecessor Prof. Osman Sankoh (Mallam O) at a two days staff reflection retreat, awards and Leadership Transition ceremony in Kenema.

Chairman of event and master of ceremony who also doubles as Director of Communication and PR at Stats SL,Samuel Ansumana, underscored the importance of the epoch making event in the annals of the institution.

Giving a talk on the purpose of the event, Mahawa Kondeh , Senior Human Resources manager, said that this event brought staff together to reflect on the last 5 years, recognise deserving staff for long service as well as transition the reigns of leadership of Stats SL.

Succinctly presenting on timelines, key achievements and work plans, Directors from all divisions and  heads of departments presented on how far they have come, where they are, and what’s the way forward with their strategic work plans for the year 2023. Each presentation started with a showcase of their teams and various units that comprised their division and their heads of units and sections.

 Speaking on his tenure, outgoing SG, Prof. Osman Sankoh said that during the last 5 years, his administration with support of the incoming SG, Andrew  Bob Johnny, reinvigorated the National Statistical office of Sierra Leone.

Prof Sankoh pointed out that his leadership has increased the institution’s credibility by building strong foundations for digital data collection,analysis, and reporting and has developed a clear trajectory for its future. He continued that his leadership has achieved this by focusing on 6 major areas: 1. Strengthening stakeholder engagement across Sierra Leone; 2. Building strong relationships with International partners chief of which was being elected as the only NSO on the UN Statistical Commission for 3 years; 3. Establishing Sierra Leone  as the leader in statistical capability in Africa by delivering transparent data to support progress towards the SDGs; 4. Significantly developing the capacity and  infrastructure of Stats SL to modernise and digitize the statistical system and enhance the ability of its staff to utilise digital data; 5. Spearheading a variety of initiatives ranging from new, small-scale focused studies such as CHESS and ;  6. Breaking new grounds for Stats SL as a research platform working with credible and leading research institutions in Africa producing innovative and forward-thinking statistics to put the organisation at the  forefront of national research institutions.

He ended by thanking God, Stats SL Council, Management and staff for their support during his tenure.

Aesthetically speaking to the general staff of Stats SL, the new Statistician General and CEO of Stats SL, Andrew Bob Johnny sincerely expressed his appreciation to the President of Sierra Leone, HE Rtd. Brigadier Julius Maada Bio for the opportunity accorded him to serve as SG/CEO. He thanked Stats SL Council for their unflinching support throughout his tenure as Deputy Statistician General.

He also expressed indebtedness to his predecessor Prof. Osman Sankoh, for his mentorship and guidance and for paving his way to becoming the Statistician General/CEO of an institution he has served for a very long time. To his colleagues, he smiled and said “patience is a virtue, I have been through the good, the bad and the ugly but with hard work and dedication am now the Statistician General and CEO of Stats SL. I am ready to work with you irrespective of your color, gender, tribe or region and I promise that  I will be a leader that will listen to your cries and work towards them. Now is the time for us to come together and work as one for the betterment of Stats SL and the country as a whole”.

He concluded by saying that though his leadership will be a continuation of the good deeds from the previous, he will however strive to better it and raise standards even higher.He encouraged everyone to do his  or her best as Stats SL starts a new dawn.

Making a brief statement, Chairman of Stats SL Council, Moses Williams,  said he is happy to witness a smooth transition that has never happened in the history of Stats SL. He also encouraged staff to work hard and make the institution proud. He re-echoed the clarion call to   support the new leadership of Andrew Bob Johnny as the Statistician General and CEO of Stats SL so that the institution will keep on making tremendous gains. He concluded by thanking other members of council for successfully guiding Stats SL management throughout the years which has impacted on the development of the institution.

The program was climaxed with  an awards ceremony for long serving staff from 15 years and above and this was followed by the official handing over from the outgone Statistician General Mallam O, to the newly appointed Statistician General and CEO of Stats SL Andrew Bob Johnny. 

Magistrate Ngegba ordered the defense to serve the court and the prosecution the no case submission not later than the 17 April, and that the prosecution should reply to the no case submission not later than the 28th April, 2023.

The matter was adjourned to the 2nd May, 2023.


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