IPRP engages procurement stakeholders in South/East

Participants in one of the sessions in Kenema District

By IPRP Communications Unit

The Independent Procurement Review Panel (IPRP) has engaged stakeholders in Bo and Kenema from the Local councils, Private sectors, suppliers, contractors, civil society organizations and the media.

The engagements took place at the Bo District Council Hall and Albertson Hotel in Kenema District on diverse dates over the weekend.  The aim of the sessions was to create awareness  on the IPRP core mandate.

Speaking during the  sessions,  one of the board members, James Koroma recognized the chairman of  IPRP,  Emmanuel Saffa Abdulai for his effort in transforming the IPRP, adding that during his tenure stakeholders were able to know more about the IPRP.

He further stated  that the IPRP is charged with the responsibility of reviewing complaints and appeals from dissatisfied bidders about a procuring entity’s choice for awarding procurement contracts.

Board member Koroma informed stakeholders in the southern region that the IPRP plays a vital role in the procurement especially when appeal is being reported against any procuring entity.

He said government disburses over 85 percent of tax payers’ money to procure for government entities, adding that the IPRP and NPPA complement each other in their function.

He maintained that as Panel during their first six months in office the panel was able to save the government over sixty billions of Leones pertaining to procurement irregularities stemming from procuring entity.

Regional Manger National Public Procurement Authority Kenema (NPPA), Daniel Allen, said the PPA of 2016 serves as a pivotal role in the procurement cycle, adding that it regulates as well as serve as a checks and balance to procurement entities.

He emphasized the need for Ministries and Departments Agencies as well as Government Ministries to follow the procurement cycle and rules as stipulated by the PPA of 2016, adding that if procuring entities adhere it would prevent irregularities that normally lead to appeal.

He said the PPA serves as a principal adviser to the government in regulating procurement activities among government entities, adding that such checks on government entities normally save the government value for money.

Chief Administrator Bo District Council Abdul Koroma commended the IPRP for taking the awareness raising drive to district levels to the local councils as well as suppliers , contractors.

He said suppliers and contractors are unaware of the IPRP, adding that such meeting was very timely as it would serve as a prevention method.

Regional Manager Anti- Corruption Commission Peter Baio Kamara pointed that both institutions are playing a watch – dog role in the fight against corruption.

He said corruption in public procurement is a cancer that destroys the fabric of the country, adding that bad procurement process leads to underdevelopment.

The graft representative said good procurement processes could lead to more needed facility require by the citizenry. 

The sessions were climaxed with questions and answers from the participants from the east and South.


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