IGR launches Biometer to monitor President Bio’s promises

IGR boss & Project Lead launching the Biometer 2024-2028

By Yusufu S. Bangura

The Institute for Governance Reform (IGR) has introduced its second Biometer 2024-2028, an online tracker designed to evaluate government performance and hold President Bio accountable for his promises made during the 2023 election campaign.

This initiative aims to provide transparency and insights into governance while ensuring that citizens are informed about the government’s actions.

The official launch of the Biometer took place at the Freetown City Council Auditorium on Wednesday, May 1st, 2024.

Professor Fredline M’cormac-Hale, the Project Lead at IGR, emphasized the organization’s commitment to bridging the gap between research and policy to inform government action.

She highlighted the importance of the Biometer in transitioning from traditional political governance to economic governance.

Andrew Lavalie, Executive Director of IGR, explained the significance of the Biometer in tracking President Bio’s promises and assessing their impact on citizens’ lives. He noted that while President Bio had accomplished nearly 80% of his promises during the previous tracking period, there was a lack of meaningful impact on issues such as job creation and the cost of living.

The Biometer will monitor 103 promises made by President Bio in 2023, including pledges related to job creation, scholarships, healthcare, and education. It will provide updates on which promises have been fulfilled and which ones remain outstanding.

Lavalie emphasized the importance of citizen engagement through the Biometer platform, where individuals can interact with government officials and seek answers to their questions. He encouraged citizens to visit the Biometer website by login to www.Biometersl.com to participate in the dialogue.

Minister of Planning and Economic Development, Madam Kenyeh Barlay, praised the initiative, highlighting the importance of public awareness and knowledge sharing in development efforts. She emphasized the government’s commitment to transparency and information sharing, citing the “Five Game Changer” initiatives.

Chief Minister, Dr. David Moinina Sengeh, acknowledged the unique nature of the Biometer monitoring process and reaffirmed the government’s commitment to democracy and accountability. He stressed the distinction between politics and governance, emphasizing the need for concerted efforts to fulfill promises.

Madam Salima Bah, Minister of Communication, Technology, and Innovation, emphasized the importance of digitization in achieving government targets and ensuring inclusivity. She highlighted the government’s commitment to involving all stakeholders in the development process.

The launch concluded with panel discussions and the unveiling of True Tok Radio 98.5fm, which will focus on economic issues in collaboration with IGR. Led by Samuel Wise Bangura and his team, the radio program aims to promote informed discussions on economic governance.


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