Ultra-Modern Khalimat Shahad Hospital opens in Makeni 


By: Yusuff Moseray Suma.

In a bid to boost the health sector in Sierra Leone, a Sierra Leonean resident in the United Kingdom Mrs Zainab Jalloh Senessie has On the 25th of April 2023 has officially unveiled her Ultra-mordern  Khalimat Shahad Hospital project at Robureh village in the  Bombali Shebora Chiefdom,Bombali district.

Explaining her journey leading to establishment of the ultra-modern health edifice, Mrs Senessie said it came out of the persistent cries and constraints faced by residents in the Robureh village in accessing good and quality health care

 Mrs senesie explained that the hospital which is ready for business will be providing different quality expertise services that will be second to none in the country and such services  will not be limited to an ultramodern surgical operating theatre, a well-equipped pharmacy, maternity ward , paediatric, antenatal and postnatal wards and a well-equipped laboratory respectively.

Madam Senesie urged the beneficiary communities to make good use of the opportunity at hand and further informed her audience about specialists that will be readily available to treat health conditions such as hepatitis-B, appendix, hernia and special prenatal and antenatal care for women etc.

The CEO of the new health edifice commits to make available an effective ambulance service that will to respond to emergencies timely.

”The hospital is not for profit-making, rather a solution to the health challenge in the village and the chiefdom at large” The CEO affirmed.

Lucy Madzivanyika and Angela Ugen both midwives from the United Kingdom who accompanied Mrs Zainab Jalloh Senesie to the inauguration of the facility told Provincial Times they continue their support for attainment of quality and affordable health care for the people of Makeni and Sierra Leone in general, they pledged to make regular visits to Sierra Leone and bring along required health experts to respond to critical health care needs.

Speaking on behalf of the chiefdom stakeholders, Pa Alpha Koroma said they feel excited for the gesture; he thanked the founder and assured her of making good use of the facility. He further explained that they have set up a community safety committee that will be serving as a watchdog to protect and ensure that the hospital is kept safe from thieves or any form of intrusion that has the tendency to disturb it operations in the chiefdom.

Umu Koroma a lactating Mother who witnessed the opening ceremony noted how they use to spend valuable time in their bid to access health care. She explained how the new facility in their community will bring to end acts of extortion they had gone through to access health care in the hands of unscrupulous health givers.

Madam Umu challenged the new hospital management to ensure essential drugs availability.


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