Short Commentary: Quasi of an incompetent PRO


Elizabeth at MMCET:

The behavior exhibited by Elizabeth, the Public Relations Officer at Milton Margai University of Science and Technology, is highly unprofessional and unacceptable. It is evident that she lacks the necessary skills and knowledge required for her role.

In her conversation with the Editor of Concord Times, Elizabeth displayed arrogance and a complete disregard for professional ethics. Instead of addressing the allegations made against the Principal, she focused on demanding the identity of the aggrieved lecturers. This shows a lack of understanding of the journalist’s role and responsibilities.

It is important for a PRO to be well-informed and capable of effectively representing their institution. Elizabeth’s attempt to teach a subject matter she knows nothing about further highlights her incompetence. It is clear that she is ill-equipped to handle her responsibilities and lacks the necessary professionalism to engage with the media.

A PRO should always respond to allegations in a polite and respectful manner, representing the institution in a positive light. Elizabeth’s rude behaviour reflects poorly on the university and undermines its reputation.

It is crucial for institutions to carefully select individuals for strategic positions, ensuring they possess the necessary skills, knowledge, and professionalism. Hiring the wrong person can have detrimental effects on the institution’s image and overall performance.

In conclusion, the arrogant and rude behaviour displayed by Elizabeth, the Public Relations Officer at Milton Margai University of Science and Technology, is a clear indication of her incompetence and lack of professionalism. It is imperative for the university to address this issue and find a suitable replacement who can effectively represent the institution and uphold its reputation.


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