Police investigator testifies in murder matter


By Yusufu S. Bangura

Detective Police Sergeant 10642 Ibrahim Kamara attached to the Criminal Investigation Department (CID), Kissy Police Station, has narrated before Magistrate Sahr Kekura of Ross Road Court No.1 what he observed when he visited the crime scene of late Ann Marie Fudia Mansaray.

The deceased was alleged to have been killed by his boyfriend, Edward Gray age 37.

It was alleged that the accused on Tuesday, September 20th 2022, at No. 22b Old Railway Line, Brima Lane, Kissy in Freetown unlawfully killed Ann Marie Fudia Mansaray.

Led in evidence by Assistant Superintendent of Police, Osman Mohamed Bangura, the witness said he is a scene of crime officer and his duties are to takes photographs, collect physical and forensic evidence and also come to court and give evidence when necessary.

He said that on September 20, 2022, a team of investigators including him, visited the crime scene at No. 22b Old Railway line, Brima Lane, Kissy and on arrival, they met the deceased lying on the ground with her back inside their bed room.

The police witness said he also observed a screw driver close to the deceased, adding that he took photograph of the deceased with his digital camera and the remains of the deceased were later conveyed to the Connaught Hospital mortuary for post-mortem.

The witness further explained that on the 28th September 2022, the investigating officer, Detective Police Constable 18009 Sandy M.M and a relative of the deceased witness the autopsy examination that was done on the remains of the deceased by pathologist Dr. Semion Owiz Koroma and during the process he took several photographs.

He produced the digital camera which he used to take photographs of the incident and tendered it in court as exhibit.

In continuation of his evidence, the witness said he selected the photos and developed them into a photo album which he also tendered in court as exhibits E1-12.

During cross-examination by defense counsel AB D John on behalf of the accused, the Witness said he has been a scene of crime officer for the past 11 years.

He denied been among the first team of police officers that visited the crime scene when the incident happened, but cannot tell whether those who went there before him tampered with the evidence.

He said that he did not see blood stain neither cut on the body of the deceased.

The witness said the previous officers informed him about the crime scene, but have no knowledge as to whether they went there with medical personnel to ascertain the cause of death. The witness said he observed the room where the deceased was laying which according to him was ransacked.

He said that autopsy was conducted on September 28th 2020, adding that he was told that the deceased was a girlfriend to the accused.

At this juncture, the matter was adjourned to March 22nd 2023 for further hearing.


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