Educating girl child leads to every perspective of education -CEO Madina Lewis Foundation

CEO of MLCF & beneficiaries pose for photo

By Yusufu S. Bangura

Chief Executive Officer and Founder of Madina Lewis Children’s Foundation (MLCF), Juliett E.B Bright, has noted that educating girl child leads to every perspective of education that strives at improving the skill and experience of girls.

She made the above statement during a donation ceremony at Murray Town community in Freetown where they donated learning materials to both primary and secondary pupils.

“Educating girl child leads to every perspective of education that strives at improving the skill and experience of girls which comprises the general education at schools, colleges, professional education, vocational education, and technical education,” she said.

Madam Bright said supporting and promoting girl child education and health sensitization are the main teams for them because girls who receive education are less likely to marry young and more likely to lead healthy and productive lives.

She continued that if a girl is educated, she can earn higher incomes, participate in the decisions that mostly affect them, and they could also build better future for themselves and their families.

“It is of essence that we know the importance of girl child education in our society. Education is a vital part of a living being, whether it is a boy or a girl. Education assists an individual to be smarter, to learn new things, and to know about the facts across the globe.  It is perceived to be the important key to terminating poverty, crime, health issues, and child marriage towards females,” she said.

MLCF Chief Executive Officer said an educated girl can educate her entire family for the improvement of a Sierra Leonean society or the complete world, girls should be well educated for a better future.

“We do not have much or neither do we have sponsors, but because we are committed and passionate about girl child education and health sensitization we have been able to fulfill this commitment every year. It has not been easy for us considering the current state of prices of commodities globally that is why we are calling on NGOs and other partners to partner with us so we can make the world a better place for everyone,” she said.

Giving brief background of the foundation, elderly daughter of the CEO, Kumba Turay said the foundation was established in 2015 as a result of the increase of drop out of girls from school due to the lack of funds.

She said  their parents were not able to pay school fees them and purchase  other necessary school materials for them.

She said before the establishment of the foundation, there was a lot of girl children in the communities that were not attending school, but instead they were out there doing street trading and living in brothels.

She continued that the foundation was seeking to give helping hands to the less privileged girls by empowering them to be educated in the future, adding that they also care for their wellbeing in growing up to be good examples to their fellow sisters in the communities.

One of the beneficiaries, Etmonia Thomas from Methodist Girls High school thanked the CEO for the learning materials given to them and promised to make good use of the materials donated to them.


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