Caritas, CRS and partner distribute cash to 150 Inferno Victims

 Paul Thomas handing over the cash to the fire victim

By Mohamed J kargbo

In an effort to provide humanitarian assistance, Caritas, Christian Relief Services (CRS), and other partners distributed cash to 150 fire victims on Thursday, June 6, 2024, at the Rokel Commercial Bank Branch in Congo Cross, Freetown.

The donation aims to offer effective aid to those affected by disasters, enabling them to secure shelter, food, and start small businesses. The recipients were from various communities, including Calaba Town, Culvert, Luke Street, Savage Street, Thomson Bay, and Johnson Street.

The initiative was funded by CRS EMPOWER WARO, a Senegal-based organization that supports emergency response and provides capacity building for its implementing partners.

Idriss Gibson, the Project Manager of Caritas Sierra Leone, provided an overview of the fire disasters that occurred between February and March, which devastated homes in both the western urban and rural areas of Freetown.

These incidents prompted the launch of the donation project. Gibson explained that Caritas approached CRS to request funding from CRS EMPOWER WARO. After thorough site inspections and multiple stages of approval, a fund of $63,200 was secured for the project.

Gibson emphasized that the cash distribution is intended to help victims secure shelter, food, and restart small businesses, thereby restoring their livelihoods. Out of 213 victims, 150 benefited from this funding.

Paul Thomas, Director of Regional Operations at the National Disaster Management Agency, spoke on behalf of the government. He expressed his gratitude to Caritas and their partners for bringing relief to the fire victims. He commended their efforts in providing much-needed support.

Hassan John Sapateh, Local Leadership, Partnership, and Capacity Strengthening Coordinator at CRS, echoed the sentiments of the previous speakers. He highlighted the long-standing collaboration between Caritas and CRS, noting their shared commitment to supporting the people of Sierra Leone in times of need.

Evelyn Macfoy, one of the fire victims and a beneficiary of the project, shared her appreciation for the cash assistance provided by Caritas and their partners. She expressed her intention to use the money to start a business, marking a new beginning for her.

Macfoy extended her heartfelt thanks to Caritas, CRS, and other implementing partners for their generous support.


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