APC MP: I was under duress to sign abstinence resolution


By Jariatu S. Bangura 

Member of Parliament representing the All people’s Congress(APC), Hon. Alfred Ayodele Thompson from Western Rural, yesterday, after taking the oath of office, stated that he was under duress from the leadership of his party to sign the  abstinence resolution,calliung on  them not to participate in the current governance system.

Hon. Thompson has joined Hon. Mohamed Bangura to defy the APC party and took the oath of office after the June 24th elections.

Speaking in an interview, he said he met with his people regarding his decision to take the oath of office and his plans to adhere to the national call.

He said some of his constituents consented whilst others advised him not to defy his party’s stance.

He said he had to take the oath to work for his people as a fulfilment of  his  dream.

Presiding Speaker, Dr. Abass C. Bundu, commended the MP for answering to the call to national duty and the bold step to take his oath of office.

He said the MP was duly elected by his people and that there was no valid reason as to why he should abstain from taking his seat.

 He said both MPs of the opposition has demonstrated beyond all that doubts to prove the promises made to their people that voted them to Parliament.

“From now on, consider yourself to be under the protection of this House and you will duly discharge your function as duly elected Member of Parliament,” he assured.


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