VOX POP with Yusufu S. Bangura & Mohamed J. Kargbo


Citizens want next president to improve health sector

As it is less than 29 days to elect a new president, citizens say they will want the next president or government to improve the health sector in the country.

There have been gains made in improving access to essential health services but health outcomes are sub-optimal across the country. There are also some important inequities in access to services as well as health outcomes between districts and income levels.

The Sierra Leonean health system faces challenges like inadequate financial resources, run-down facilities, lack of basic equipment and inadequate medical supplies.

However, health improvement has a key role to play in the development of the country.

In this Vox Pop, Concord Times’ Yusufu S. Bangura & Mohamed J. Kargbo on Thursday took to the streets of Freetown to gauge the views of citizens on what they want the next president to do in improving the health sector.

Sinnah Sesay, Fish monger

Although the health sector in this country is not that too bad, but I want the next president to improve on it more. One way I will like him to improve the health  sector is by employing more doctors and nurses in the various hospitals.

The next president should also give more pincodes to nurses that do not have because when we have a good number of nurses and doctors they can treat patients that are in critical condition for them not to lose their lives.

I want them to bring in more dugs and standard equipment that will help improve the health sector.

Mohamed Nabieu Sultan, Dealing in sneakers

As a citizen, I want the health sector to be more effective than before by monitoring the free health care, because the health sector is not good. I want the government elect to lay premium on this area for people to acquire proper health.

I want the country’s health sector to be compared to other developed countries we should not be going to the West to access better medical treatment. We should be the ones they should come to for treatment only if we have standard equipment, effective medicines, proper electricity supply, and trained and qualified doctors and nurses.

Mariatu Bangura, Vegetable Seller

I think if the economy is stable there will be proper health facilities in the country because some of us can’t earn as others. We go through a lot of constraints to acquire proper health care, and, if you do not have money you will die.

The constant blackout is another problem the next government should handle because if someone is under oxygen or undergoing operation he or she will die, due to constant blackout.

Even the price of drugs is costly, so I want the next government to deliver us from this problem.

Abdul Mansaray, Businessman

I want the next president elect to improve the health sector in the country because it’s really poor as we can’t boast of it. I am asking the next president elect to do more in this area.

I want them to stabilize the economy because it goes with medical treatment and now the government hospital bill is expensive as the private ones.

I want them also to look into the shortage of medical supplies especially the medicines and the equipment. 

Abie Conteh, Dealing in cosmetic

I want the next elected president to first look into the area of economy because it plays a greater role in accessing medical treatment because if you don’t have money they will not attend to you, and businesses are hard for us as traders.

I want them to improve the life of nurses and doctors in the hospitals by paying them well and monitor them to do their job.

I will like them to address the shortage of medicine and equipment by monitoring these medicine and equipment so that they will not be misused.

My advice to Sierra Leoneans is for them to vote wisely for the right presidential candidate that will improve the health system in this country.     

Mohamed Palo Conteh, Motorbike Rider

I want the next elected government to add more effort in the health area especially for those living in the rural areas by building more hospitals for them because they are going through a lot of difficulties in those areas.

As some of them walk long distance to acquire medical treatment and in the process some die on the way.

Another issue is the poor electricity in some of the hospitals, lack of proper medical supply and proper accommodating beds for patients, so I want them to look at this area for it will be beneficial to Sierra Leoneans.

Abubakkar Koroma, Trader

In the area of health I want the next president to provide good medical facility for us the citizens so we can have access to those medicines.

I also want them to employ qualified nurses and doctors because some of them are not fit to be there that’s why we are having too much of death.

My message to Sierra Leoneans is for them to vote wisely, not for them to vote because they belong to a political party but for a leader that has the country at heart. 


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