Two acquitted, discharged for murder


By Ibrahim Kabba Turay

Justice Momoh Jah Stevens has acquitted and discharged two accused persons, Gbessay Kargbo and Amadu Bailor Jalloh ‘alias ‘Network’ after the 12-man-jury delivered a not guilty verdict.

The two accused persons sometime in March, 2022, made their first appearance at the Pademba Road Magistrate Court before Mark Ngegba for a Preliminary Investigation on two counts of murder and conspiracy to commit murder contrary to the laws of Sierra Leone.

It was alleged by the police that both accused persons on the 9th March, 2022 in Freetown, murdered Ahmed Boie Kamara at his residence.

During the preliminary hearing, the state called several witnesses including the government pathologist and forensic expert, Doctor Simeon Owizz Koroma, who in his findings, told the court that the deceased’s  death was unnatural

Justice Stevens, in his summing up address to the jurors, said the prosecution brought a case against the two accused persons on a two-count indictment of murder and conspiracy.

The judge states that the prosecution called several witnesses to establish their case, adding that the burden and standard of proof against the accused rest on the prosecution.

The State prosecutor, M.P Sesay, in his address, said after the deceased had testified against the first defendant in a land matter, the accused persons threatened that that will be his last testimony in court.

He said at Madonkeh Village, the accused persons were seen beating up the deceased and telling him that he will never be a witness in court.

He added that the accused persons were seen leaving with the two motor bikes they apparently came with close to the residence of the deceased before he was reported dead few days after.

Justice Stevens during his summing up, told the jury that after looking at the law and listening to the evidence, it’s upon them the jury to consider their verdict, if the accused persons were guilty or not.

After the jury returned with their verdict of not guilty on the two counts of conspiracy to murder and murder, Justice Momoh Jah Stevens acquitted and discharged the accused persons.


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