Two Accused in court for allege land trespass


By Mohamed J Kargbo

ON the 30 January 2023 at the magistrate court N02 in Freetown, Sheku Alieu and Patrick Amidu made another appearance before magistrate Isata Tucker for allege trespass.

They were standing trial to one count charge of trespass contrary to the laws of Sierra Leone

Police alleged that on November 11 2022 at Tokkeh in the Freetown peninsular that the two accused trespassed into a land situated around Tokkeh beach, property of one Michael Sandi Kamaya.

Police witness Detective Sergeant 9643 Kanu JB attached at the task force for land grabbing Freetown west Lumley division.

He said he recognized both the accused and he recall on the diverse date on the 11 day of November 2022 he was on duty when the complainant Michael Sandi Kamaya reported a case of land trespass at the above mention location.

Sergeant Kanu JB said he obtained statement from the complainant who submitted some document authorized by one James Sawie, his co-partner to operate a resort on the said land, adding that those documents were endorsed by the Ministry of Tourism and the National Tourist Board.

He said voluntary caution statement was obtained from the first accused in krio and his response was recorded in English, but at the conclusion of the interview it was read and explain to him and he sign it.

The voluntary caution statement was produced and tendered in in court, and the witness also produce the charge sheet of the accused which was also tendered in court as evidence.

On the 18 of the same month and year, the first accused was release on bail for him to report back on the 19 November 2022 for which he did not showed up on till the 22 day of November 2022 when the second accused was arrested and brought in by the police.

Sergent Kanu said the second accuse was interviewed too and he sign it tom be true by affixing his right hand thumb print to it which was produced and tendered in court and the charge sheet was also produced and tendered in court as evidence

The matter was adjourned to January 7 2023 for further hearings.  


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