Tripartite dialogue faces stalemate


By Alusine Sesay

The tripartite Committee, which was born out of a reasoning to look into elections irregularities spanning from 2012 to the 2023 controversial elections and proffers recommendations for future elections, has faced serious setback as the main opposition All People’s Congress(APC) announced the suspension of their participation in the process.

In a widely circulated press release issued by the party, they informed the public that ‘the APC wishes to inform all of an ongoing stalemate in the work of the tripartite committee since last week.

“This impasse is primarily due to the refusal of the SLPP Government representative to continue discussion with our APC counterparts on the verification of results as announced by the ECSL,including the release of disaggregated votes by polling station, despite our party’s willingness to the terms of reference and the signed agreement on national unity,” the releases states.

The work of the tripartite committee was expected to end on June 19, but prior to their suspension of participation, fear had gripped the entire country as rumours of a planned protest made the rounds on social media. The issue of misinformation and disinformation has been of a major concern among Sierra Leoneans, as supporters of the APC strongly believe that the Tripartite Committee will recommend a rerun of the 2023 presidential election, while the SLPP quarter believe otherwise.

In a widely circulated video, President was seen sending threat of using arms against whosoever takes up arm against his government, stating that he has no intention of overstaying in power beyond 2028.But the president came under serious criticism not only from the opposition but other concerned citizens and CSOs across the country.

Based on the August 10 experience, the government has activated a level one security measures to curb any disruption of peace by protesters.

However, in a joint press statement, the two major political parties-the APC and the SLPP, agreed to uphold the peace of the country. In a separate release, the APC disassociated itself from any planned protest and call on supporters to maintain calmness.

With the suspension of their participation into the process, it is unclear whether the work of the committee would continue or what the international community would do to get it work.


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