Treason Trial: judge adjourns matter for defense’s oral submission


By Yusufu S. Bangura

Justice Komba Kamanda, presiding over the treason trial of Amadu Koita Makalo and 11 others at the Siaka Stevens Street High Court, has adjourned the case to Tuesday, June 18, 2024.

The adjournment allows defense counsels representing the 4th, 5th, 6th, 10th, 11th, and 12th accused persons to submit their oral submissions.

During the proceedings, state prosecutor Yusuf Isaac Sesay informed the court that the defense counsels for the 2nd, 3rd, 7th, 8th, and 9th accused persons had complied by filing their no-case submissions. “My Lord, I want to confirm to this court that we received no-case submissions from some of the defense team, and we have also responded to them,” he confirmed.

However, some defense teams have yet to submit their oral submissions on behalf of their clients, citing diligent preparation as the reason for the delay.

Earlier, Lawyer Musa Pious Sesay explained to Justice Kamanda that the defense counsels for Amadu Koita Makalo, Hassan Leigh, Tamba Yamba, Kabba Kamara, and Abdul Sorie Hassan Kamara had not filed their no-case submissions as ordered.

Sesay conveyed an apology on behalf of the defaulting counsels, requesting leniency from the court. “On behalf of the defaulting counsels, I’m apologizing and requesting that you show mercy as they are ready to submit on or before the next adjourned date,” P. Sesay pleaded.

Justice Kamanda refused Pious Sesay’s application for an extension of time for the defaulting counsels to submit their no-case submissions, emphasizing the importance of adhering to court orders. He ruled that the state has one week to respond to the defense’s no-case submissions.

“As far as I am concerned, there is no case submission before me for the other accused persons. I will only give 8 minutes to any counsel who may want to make an oral submission on behalf of their clients,” Justice Kamanda stated in response to prosecutor Sesay’s inquiry about the 11th and 12th accused persons.

The twelve alleged coup plotters, including former police officers, are currently on trial in the High Court on 20 counts of treason, misprision of treason, harboring, aiding, and abetting the enemy, and murder, among other charges.


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