Sierra Leone rated high on reduction in corruption prevalence levels


 By Hassan Gbassay Koroma

The 2022 Afro-Barometer Report has disclosed that Sierra Leone records huge reduction in corruption prevalence levels in key institutions.

The 2022 Afro-Barometer Round 9, Survey Report that was released by the Institute for Governance Reforms (IGR) on 25th April, 2023, also indicated a significant improvement in corruption levels in Sierra Leone.

The report stated that Sierra Leone has moved 20 places upwards in the Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index 2022, and scored its highest of 34, above the Sub-Saharan average to be positioned at 110, from 130 in 2017.

Data from the same survey report indicates that trust in Sierra Leone’s Anti-Corruption Commission has increased, from a 43% in 2020 to a 52% in 2022, making a 9 percentage point jump upwards.

According to a press release dated May 2, from the ACC, signed by the Director, Public Education and Outreach, Patrick Sandi,the recorded increase in trust is as a result of the Anti-Corruption Commission’s (ACC) robust posture on mainstreaming anti-corruption values in Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) and the functionality of Integrity Management Committees.

He said the report also, more importantly, points that there is a remarkable decline in the public perceptions of corruption in the Presidency, from a 40% in 2012 to a 31% in 2022, showing a 9 point upward movement.

He said the report further states that, corruption declined in the Judiciary, mainly with Magistrates and Judges from a 50% in 2012 to a 34% in 2022 and in the Local Councils-mainly the Local Government Councilors from a “52% in 2012 to a 38% in 2022.

He said the report also stated that, citizens’ perception of corruption about the Police increased from 69% in 2012 to 71% in 2022, 2 points upwards and in the same vein, in the last four years, Sierra Leone has also consistently scored high in other global, regional, and domestic anti-corruption rankings.

He said the Afro-Barometer is a Pan-African, non-partisan survey research network that provides reliable data on African experiences and evaluations of democracy, governance, and quality of life.

He noted that Anti-Corruption Commission wishes to reassure the general public of its unwavering determination and relentless resolve to effectively control corruption in Sierra Leone.


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