Omrie Golley hobnobs with APC veterans         

Omrie with APC Veterans, Pa Leavers and ET Kamara

The leading APC Flagbearer Aspirant from the southwest flank of the country who made an official declaration of intent over the weekend in his hometown (Pujehun) to run for Flagbearer and Leader of the main opposition for the 2023 Presidential race paid a courtesy call and respect to revered elders of the party to formally inform them of his ambition and equally seek their blessings.

 The visit started with Pa E.T.Kamara at his Wilkingson road resident and then Pa J. E.  leavers of Murray town.

In both engagements, the veteran Comrades gave warm welcome to the entourage and expressed kindly sentiments to the former ambassador and his team for the consideration and respect.

The respect was acknowledged, blessings granted and prayers offered for the ambassador and prominent Flagbearer Aspirant.

Amb. Omrie Golley craved on the indulgence of both elders to intervene and help salvage the current indifferences in the APC and help put the party together for a resounding victory in the next general elections (June 2923). Both elders promised to do everything in their powers to help the party settle the current crisis and put together a formidable team in readiness for the pools.

 Comrades and well-wishers, be notified that the Amb. Omrie Golley is not only interested in becoming the Flagbearer and Leader of our party but he is also poised in ensuring that the party is united towards a common goal (winning 2023 elections). Stay tune for a continuous update on Amb. Omrie Golley’s courtesy calls.


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