Magistrate promises to discharge Sumaila Town murder matter


By Yusufu S. Bangura

The presiding Magistrate at Pademba Road Court No.1, Mark Ngegba, has promised to discharge a murder matter that is being preliminarily investigated after the prosecution failed to present their first witness on three consecutive hearings.

The acting police prosecutor, Sergeant Momoh Lahai, applied for adjournment of the matter because there was no witness on that day to testify in respect of the matter.

“This should be the final adjournment and if you fail to bring witness I will discharge the matter on the next adjournment,” Magistrate Ngegba warned the prosecution.

The 21-year-old fair-in-complexion accused, Salamatu Conteh, is before the court on one count of murder.

He was accused to have committed the crime on 16th July, this year.

Magistrate Ngegba had earlier expressed his dismay over the failure of the prosecution to present its first prosecution witness during the second hearing.

However, the Head of Sierra Leone police legal affairs, Chief Superintendent of Police, Joan Bull, promised to take stern action against police prosecutors dealing with cases.

She also promised to take up the issue with the Inspector General of Police.

The substantive prosecutor of the murder matter Assistant Superintendent of Police, Dahlia Wellington was reported sick during the second hearing.

The matter comes up on 4th October, this year.


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