Leone Rock hands over newly constructed school in Kemedugu


The Leone Rock Metal Group (LRMG) has handed over a newly constructed school in Kemedugu community, including furniture, marking a significant infrastructural development in the quest to promote quality education. The construction of the school, including furniture, is part of an effort to support education in the district.

The Agricultural Secondary School is located in Tonkolili District, Northern Sierra Leone. The support is part of the company’s community Development Agreement Plan (CDAP) within communities of operation.

The furniture provided went to three classrooms and two offices.

 Making the handing over, Robert Salia Kamara, the Community Affairs and Security Manager 2 of LRMG said that the support is part of Leone Rock’s gesture to schools, which he said is geared towards complimenting the free quality education by the government of President Julius Maada Bio.

He said that he was happy to hand over the school on behalf of the company as one of the CDAP projects undertaken by the company.

 Mr. Kamara said that the company has given the confidence to the country and its operational chiefdoms, noting that a mining company can operate with full focus on uplifting the status of the community. He therefore said that what LRMG has done is a clear manifestation with the CDA, CDAP and CSR projects that LRMG is embarking on.

“Today we can boast of a 25-bedroom guesthouse in Sambaia Bendugu, a multipurpose building in Bumbuna and an ongoing health center in Nerekoro in Simiria Chiefdom as well as many CDAP projects and CSR projects all amounting to over four million New Leones or 4 billion old Leones. We as a company appreciate the cooperation from the company as that is what serves as inspiration for us to uplift the status of our people,” he said.

 Mr. Kamara noted that they want to see these communities produce professionals in all works of life. ‘As a company, we want to create the platform for more training and human capital development projects,’ he stated.

“We remain committed to our course, and we are proud that in just 3 years in operation, unlike other companies that have operated in the past without anything to show in these communities, we are working the talks.’’

 Mr. Kamara noted that supports of these kinds continue within Leone Rock areas of operation, thereby aiding in the process of giving back to communities where they operate.

‘’This is the kind of support we are always willing to give as we all know; education is important to the development of a nation and we want the kids in this school to have a better learning environment,’’ he stated.

 The Section Chief of Kemedugu Section, Chief Samba Koroma hanked Leone Rock Metal Group for the support; more especially the construction of classrooms and the donation of furniture.

He said that schools find it very difficult to get quality furniture and that most times, children have to cramp on a single chair during learning.

“This construction is good and it will help the school more especially the pupils,” Chief Kemedugu said.  

The Caretaker Paramount Chief of Dansogoia Chiefdom, Chief Kerefa Dao, said that Leone Rock has always come to the aid of schools and other sectors within the various chiefdoms of their operations.

He said that the company’s support is coming at a time when it was needed most and that this will help the school greatly.

“We are happy for this support, and we will guard it jealously. This is what is expected from investors in this country, and Leone Rock has always been at the forefront in supporting education here in Tonkolili district. We will monitor this school and make sure the furniture is used properly,” he said.

The Mammy Queen, Youth Leader, the Town Chiefs, and many more made praiseworthy statements while thanking Leone Rock for always supporting schools within the district.

The construction of the school and furniture is coming at a time the school needed it the most. The Agriculture Secondary School was among deprived secondary schools within Tonkolili district, and the need for this support is timely.

The occasion was climaxed by handing over and distribution of furniture to the various classes and offices.

 (C) PR & Media Unit.


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