Drug peddlers warned: Stop the illegal trade now or get caught


By Joseph Sesay(Josestar-Intern)

The Pharmacy Board of Sierra Leone had alerted  the general public that the illegal sale of drugs is an offence and contravenes the Pharmacy and Drugs Act 2001.

In an extra-ordinary meeting held at the headquarters of the Pharmaceutical Society of Sierra Leone recently. The Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Sartie Kenneh expressed his dissatisfaction to a Mammoth gathering of pharmacy professionals about the current spate of drug resistance and addiction throughout the country and he requested for pharmacy professionals to do more in reversing the menace.

Professor Charles Senessie, Deputy Minister of Health (1), said pharmacists’ role in providing rational use of medicines is crucial and implores all stakeholders to work collectively in curbing drug peddling.

“We will collaborate with all stakeholders in curbing the menace and we must express concern in saving every precious life, we cannot all stand by and do nothing,” he admitted”

 Alhaji Michael Koroma, a pharmacy technician, calls for an engagement with the leadership of the Motor-Drivers Union.

“Most drug peddlers use ferries, buses, and other means of transportation to practice the illegal trade and we call on the leadership of that association to be sincere in engaging their membership to halt unlawful practice.

The pharmacy Board Sierra Leone re-echoes that citizens must STOP purchasing drugs from illegal sources such as buses, hawkers, etc. The board reiterates that products from unregistered sources can either be fake and unregistered or could be substandard as a result of exposure to sunlight, moisture, poor pieces of advice with drug interactions, poor counselling, non-identification of sources in instances whereby poor drug interactions occur among other issues.


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