Couple gets 10 years imprisonment for murder


By Yusufu S. Bangura

Alie Kamara and Fatmata Kamara  have been sentenced to 10 years imprisonment by Justice Suliaman Bah presiding at the Siaka Steven Street High Court for unlawfully killing Lovetta Turay.

The convicts pleaded guilty to the offense of murder and conspiracy when the charges were put to them on their final appearance before Justice Bah.

 It was alleged that the convicts on the 4th November 2021 in Freetown unlawfully killed Lovetta Turay.

Giving brief fact of the matter before the convicts were sentenced, state prosecutor, A.F Kamara informed the court that on the date in question, the convicts and the deceased were residing at the same address.

He continued that the deceased (Lovetta ) and the first convict (Fatmata Kamara were quarrelling when the second convict Alie Kamara arrived, adding that upon his arrival he then approached the deceased and  both convicts and deceased started using offensive language against one another, where the convicts started throwing offensive weapon at the deceased.

In his plea of mitigation on behalf of the convicts, Lawyer Morrison Karimu from Legal Aid Board told Justice Bah that the convicts didn’t  waste the court’s time by answering to the charges when put them by the Court clerk.

He therefore asked the judge to temper justice with mercy, saying that they are couple with four children.

He further pleaded with the judge to consider the time the convicts had spent in prison.

He said the convicts have regretted their action, and asked the judge again to temper justice.


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