By Elizabeth J. Bangura
Favour Jajuan a trader was on Monday 23rd October, 2023 sent to prison by magistrate Mark Negba of Pademba Road Court No.1 for unlawful possession of an OSD T-Shirt without lawful authority.
The accused made his first appearance in court on one count charge to wit unlawful possession contrary to section 33(1)of Cap 37as amended by section 5of Act 6 of 1981.
It was alleged on a diverse date Wednesday 11th October, 2023, at Congo cross in Freetown, the accused was found in possession of one (1)of one Sierra Leone Police operational support Division Polo. Suspected to have been unlawful obtained property of the Sierra Leone police.
When the charge was read and explain to him, he pleaded guilty as he has no legal representation to stand on his behalf.
According to the brief fact of the matter inspector Amidu Kamara an OSD officer attached to the OSD headquarter arrest an brought in the accused to the Congo Cross police station as he was found wearing an OSD delta T-shirt.
The prosecutor inspector Mabel Tarawally informed the court that the matter was fact and charge.
The court was unable to make any progress in the case due to the absence of the prosecutor witness in court for which the prosecuting counsel promise to bring in the witness in court on the next adjourned date.
Meanwhile the matter was adjourned to the 27th October, 2023, for further hearing.