UNFPA, MoH, partners hand over fistula theatre, equipment to Bo Government Hospital


By Mohamed J Kargbo

On Friday, July 20, 2024, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), in partnership with the Ministry of Health (MoH), the Government of Iceland, Haikal Foundation, and Aberdeen Women’s Centre, officially handed over a state-of-the-art fistula theatre and essential surgical equipment to officials of the Bo Government Hospital.

The equipment includes surgical instruments, operation tables, lights, life-support devices, and diagnostic tools vital for treating and managing obstetric fistula.

The handover ceremony took place at Bo Government Hospital on Fenton Road in Bo Town.

In his keynote address, Dr. Dan Okoro, the Maternal & Reproductive Health Technical Specialist from UNFPA, highlighted that obstetric fistula is a severe childbirth injury caused by prolonged, obstructed labor or other birth-related complications.

He emphasized that fistula can result in incontinence and often leads to chronic medical problems, depression, deepening poverty, social isolation, and marginalization for affected women and girls.

Dr. Okoro noted that with the new equipment, which cost USD [amount not specified], the hospital is now better equipped to perform surgeries and provide comprehensive post-operative care.

The equipment will also support critical surgeries and other obstetric emergencies, directly contributing to ending preventable maternal deaths in Sierra Leone. He committed to fighting until maternal healthcare in Sierra Leone is improved and maternal mortality rates reach zero.

Dr. Okoro concluded that this initiative aligns with the broader goals of the Ministry of Health to enhance maternal health services, reduce maternal morbidity and mortality, and improve the quality of life for women across the country. By institutionalizing fistula surgeries, Sierra Leone sets a precedent for sub-Saharan countries facing similar challenges.

Deputy Head of Mission at the Embassy of Iceland in Sierra Leone, Mr. Kjartan Atli Oskarsson, expressed his delight at being invited to the grand opening of the fistula theatre and commended all partners for their excellent work.

He paid tribute to fistula survivors, whose testimonies inspired the creation of the theatre. Mr. Oskarsson noted that their embassy has been operating in Sierra Leone since 2018, supporting various projects, including access to clean water and school meals. He highlighted that strengthening maternal and neonatal services is crucial to ending fistula, and refurbishing the operating theatre at Bo Government Hospital is a vital step toward that goal.

 He mentioned their partnership with UNFPA in fighting fistula in Uganda and Malawi and encouraged continued collaboration to end fistula in Sierra Leone.

Speaking on behalf of Bo Government Hospital, Chief Nursing Officer Mary Fullah reiterated the sentiments of previous speakers, emphasizing that the opening of the theatre marks a milestone for Sierra Leone and for women suffering from this debilitating condition.

She commended all partners for their unwavering support in the five-year project and stressed that their work continues beyond opening the theatre, aiming to end fistula by 2030. Fullah described the theatre as a place of hope and inspiration for many women seeking relief and a new lease on life.

The event signifies a significant step towards improving maternal health services and addressing obstetric fistula in Sierra Leone.


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