Parents lament price hike in school materials

Learning Materials at various shops and markets

By Elizabeth J. Kamara & Blessing C .Cole

Two weeks to school re-opening, parents across Freetown have expressed dissatisfactions over the hike in the prices of basic learning materials in the market. 

Mary Conteh, who is a trader and also a parent, told Concord Times that her husband has been unemployed for the past years, and that she is the only one taking care of all her three (3) children.

She added that her trade cannot sustain the home and that school materials are very much expensive that she can’t afford to buy for her children.

She pleaded with government to help reduce the price of learning materials as things are not easy for parents.

Another parent, Aruna Bangura, who is  a tricycle rider, said the price of  learning materials is too high especially now that school is about to open.

He cited one back park cost Nle300, Lunch Park 100, thus pleading with the Minister of Trade to look into the prices of basic commodities in the market in the interest of the poor masses.

Ramatu Kanu, a trader and also a parent, said things are very difficult for them and lamented on the prices of learning material especially  now that schools are about to open.


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