HRCSL continues mobile complaints hearing sessions in Kailahun, Western Area Rural


The Human Rights Commission of Sierra Leone (HRCSL) continued its mobile complaints hearing sessions in Daru Town, Kailahun District and Tombo Community in the Western Area Rural District.

The hearing sessions took place on the 30th and 31st May, 2024 with support from UNDP and Irish Aid. The objectives were to increase the Commission’s visibility in hard-to-reach communities and also receive complaints of human rights violations from communities that cannot easily access the Commission’s offices in Freetown and in the regions for redress.

A total of four (4) complaints were received in Daru Town, whilst six (6) was recorded in Tombo. Some of the complaints had to do with end of service benefit, deprivation of property and unfair hearing.

Vandi Morrie, Secretary for Disable Organization in Daru said “With the knowledge received here today, We now know how to report issues effecting our welfare”.

He promised to educate his colleagues on the topics discussed, especially the Commission’s complaint handling mechanism.

A SSS 2 pupil of Wallace Agricultural School, Ibrahim Barbour, thanked the Commission for provided them the chance to learn about the Sexual Offences Amendment Act.

“We don’t usually have the opportunity to learn about these laws and the punishments. I am happy to have been here and have this knowledge,” he said.

Commissioners Hassan Samba Yarjah encouraged the police and military to see themselves as human rights defenders because the work they do directly impact the lives of people in communities. He stated that the Commission was established as a problem-solving institution in promoting and protecting human rights in the country.

Commissioner Yarjah urged young people to stay away from drug abuse, especially Kush and always respect the right of one another.

The HRCSL team conducted public education in selected schools and monitor police stations and healthcare centers.


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