Controversy! Another date set for Bar Association elections


By Alusine Sesay

August 7th, 2024, has been slated for another Annual General Meeting (AGM), a development which enforces the fact that, if ever, the year 2024 will be on record as the year when the Sierra Leone Bar Association (SLBA) has grappled with serious controversy that has been so difficult to handle.

The controversy emanated from a known questionable elections conducted by the Commissioner of the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC), Francis Ben Kaifala.

The outcome of the elections held in the city of Kenema has since been contested on the grounds that the process was fraudulently conducted.

A good number of members of the Bar claimed that they were disenfranchised hence demanded another elections be conducted.

The SLBA elections were contested by Tuma Adama Jabbie, former chairperson of the National Revenue Authority (NRA) Board,Warah Sery-Karmal and Sorie Sengbeh Marrah.

The outcome of the AGM in which Tuma Jabbie was declared President of the SLBA provoked the creation of two factions-the perceived winners and the aggrieved parties.

The perceived winners of the said controversial elections led by Tuma Isata Jabbie were recently received by the country’s President Julius Maada Bio at State House as a sign of recognition and an endorsement of their legitimacy.

Efforts by senior colleagues at the Bar (late the Attorney-General and Minister of Justice, Mohamed Lamin Tarawally), to settle the dispute have been futile.

During an interrupted Emergency General Meeting (EGM), an Interim Board of the Bar was set up followed by a notice of another AGM slated for August 7th, 2024.


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