Audit Service empowers staff on accounting standards


The Audit Service Sierra Leone (ASSL) is set to capacitate its staff in a two-week training on International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) that will commence on Monday 8th April, 2024 at the Freetown City Council Building.

The training is in line with the International Standard of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI-P12) which focuses on the Value and Benefits of Supreme Audit Institutions – Making a difference in the lives of citizens”. The principle is in supportive of the ASSL Mission which is “to be a model by proactively ensuring value for money for public funds through a highly competent satisfied workforce of integrity.

The purpose of the two-week training is to refresh staff on the nature and purpose of IPSAS and also to help keep them abreast with any recent changes to any of the International Public Accounting Standards.

According to the ASSL, the training will be organised in accordance with principle 12 of INTOSAI P 12 which focuses on capacity building through promoting learning and knowledge sharing. Representatives from various divisions within the ASSL will benefit from the training and it is expected that at the end of the training, the staff will have a deeper appreciation of the nature and purpose of IPSAS and will have an in-depth deliberation on the application of the standards, especially with recent updates and be fully abreast with recent changes to any of it. The staff will be able to particularly understand the veracity of what some public sector workers have been stating as a “modified cash basis of accounting” and it will also help staff to have a better understanding of the “mandatory statements” and “encouraged statements” especially as it relates in the issuance of the opinion.


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