FIFA President mourns with SLFA


By Sahr Morris Jnr

President of world football governing body, FIFA, Gianni Infantino mourns with Sierra Leone Football Association over the death of former senior National Team Manager, Eric Lansana.

In his condolence message, the FIFA President stated: “I would like to express my sincerest and heartfelt condolences on the passing of Eric Lansana. Words seem inadequate to express the sadness we feel for this loss.

Former Sierra Leone National Team Manager and Technical Director of Bo Rangers FC, will be remembered for his tremendous commitment and remarkable contribution to the development of the sport that unites us.”

“Great sportsman and football personality, known for his engagement and passion, his legacy and trajectory on and off the pitch will not be forgotten, and he will be truly missed,” he stated.

“On behalf of the international football community, I wish to extend our deepes condolences to the Sierra Leone Football Association, and, most importantly, to Eric’s family, friends and loved ones. Our thoughts are with all of you.”

The FIFA boss added: “We hope that, in some way, our words of support may help bring a little peace and solace in this time”.


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