Neglect: Kalangba Community Health Centre without electricity for over three years


By Alusine Sesay

The hospital has been running without electricity for over three years. The solar we had was destroyed by thunder and we have complained to all the authorities concerned, but nothing has been done about the situation. We use Chinese light to conduct deliveries and offer other services to patients. We are heavily constrained!, expressed the Community Health Officer, Osman Conteh.

As a BEMOC Centre, the Kalangba Health Centre serves as a referral for over two chiefdoms which are densely populated.

According to Councilor Ibrahim Sesay, they have taken all moves to ensure that electricity is re-installed at the centre, but to no avail.

“We have moved with a delegation of local authorities to the District Medical Officer in Bombali but all we could get from him is a promise that has never been fulfilled. For the past three years we have been going to Makeni and explaining the issue, but all they could do is promise us that they will fix it when funds are available. We are tired of reporting the same issue with no action taken for the past three years,” he said.

The Councilor said even the free healthcare drugs sent to the centre are not enough to cater for patients who always visit the hospital for treatment.

“The CHO has complained to us that the drugs supplied to the hospital are not enough and we have channeled that complaint to the authorities, but no action has been taken. They sending the same quantity of drugs to the centre,” he said.

He called on the authorities to intervene and help solve the problem.


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