By Alfred Koroma
On Tuesday 7th May, Save the Children Sierra Leone launched its Generation Hope Campaign, championed by children who share a common concern for the future of their planet.
Having launched the Campaign, the young climate champions will now embark on series of activities, including visit to communities and schools to talk to other children about climate change effect and mitigation.
The Champions will also write letters about the impact of climate change which would distributed by Save the Children to ensure they are read by national leaders or by leaders globally.
The initiative is aimed at empowering children and youth with advocacy skills to fight against climate change and inequality, says Victoria Squire, Project Manager, Save the Children Sierra Leone.
She said children bear the greatest effect of climate change as they suffer climate change effects at all stages of their lives. “So this is why they should not be left behind in the fight against Climate Change.”
Hawa Saffa Siaka from the Ministry of Environment who delivered a keynote speech at the launching of the campaign hailed Save the Children’s initiative and acknowledged the significance of targeting schools in the campaign. She said the move is important because the love for environment among pupils is going down.
“If you ask any children, none will tell you they wants to be environmental scientist. They will only tell you we want to be doctors, lawyers…,” she said.
Siaka emphasized the need to protect the environment, saying inappropriately disposing plastic waste, deforestation and encroachment of protected areas are destroying the environment and increasing climate change effect on country.
A lengthy panel discussion about the impact of climate change in Sierra Leone between the young climate champions, other children from various secondary schools, representatives from the Environmental Protection Agency and the Sierra Leone Meteorological Agency climaxed the launching of the campaign.
Apart from other climate change activities led by Save the Children locally this week, the Organization will also have a potential launch of the UN Civil Society Conference in Nairobi, where issues about climate change would be discussed, including the concerns children have about climate change.