Convicted Dutch National in false claim

Edwin Huyzendveld is still posing a shareholder after his conviction in Sierra Leone

While he has been convicted of fraud by the Criminal Division of the Magistrate Court of Sierra Leone, a fake Dutch Investor, Edwin Huyzendveld, is still posing as a shareholder of Tandem Liber Holdings, a Limited Liability Company registered in Sierra Leone.

The man was tried in absentia by Magistrate Isata Sellu Tucker on July 19-2022 and the courts’ decision was communicated to Interpol for his arrest and subsequent detention in Sierra Leone, but information is that he has been parading the streets of  Europe still impersonating to be a shareholder of the company.

“Huyzenveld, a convicted criminal, has falsely claimed to be a shareholder of Tandem Liber Holdings SL Ltd. He went as far as entering the company’s Dropbox and falsifying documents to support his claim. It is important to note that Huijzenveld has no association with the company whatsoever. Given Huyzenveld’s criminal history and his ongoing attempts to bribe, blackmail and deceive people, it is crucial for the public to be aware of his actions. We strongly advise individuals and businesses to refrain from engaging in any form of business dealings with him.”

After his conviction in Sierra Leone,Edwin Huijzenveld, has been making some false claims against the CEO of Tandem Liber Holdings SL Ltd, Edward Meijers, who is also a Dutch national. 

Tandem Liber Holdings SL Ltd, which has been a target of the convict, has been active in Sierra Leone for over 15 years. 

A statement in the possession of Concord Times indicates that, “The CEO of Tandem Liber Holdings, Edward Meijers, has unfortunately become the target of malicious acts made by this convicted Dutch national, Mr. Erwin Huijzenveld. We want to shed light on the unjust nature of the accusations and inform the public about the truth behind the situation,” the statement reads.

The CEO of the company,  Edward Meijers, also known as Chief Kinnie Momoh III, has been recognised and honored for his exceptional contributions to the women of Nongowa Chiefdom in  Kenema.

“Through the establishment of a microcredit scheme and the construction of a school, he has positively impacted the lives of many. Not only has he supported the women of Nonogowa Kenema District through the microcredit scheme, but he has also contributed to the renovation of the Church of God School in Makeni. These acts of kindness and philanthropy demonstrate his genuine commitment to improving the lives of others,” the statement reads.

The unjust accusations made against the CEO of Tandem Liber Holdings SL Ltd, Mr. Edward Meijers, by Edwin Huyzenveld are completely false, baseless and unfounded. It is important for the public to be aware of the truth behind this situation and to exercise caution when dealing with individuals who may attempt to mislead or deceive. Let us continue to appreciate and support the positive contributions of individuals like Mr. Meijers, who strive to make a difference in society and contribute to the prosperity of Salone and the people of our beautiful country.


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