NLe500 bail granted to 8 accused persons in alleged wounding matter


By Mohamed J Kargbo

In a recent session at Magistrate Court No.1 on Pademba Road, Magistrate Sahr Kekura granted bail to eight accused individuals, each in the amount of 500 New Leones.

The accused—Abu Sesay, Issa Tarawallie alias “Smoky,” Mohamed Koroma alias “Indian Man,” and Isatu Tarawallie were each required to provide one surety who must be a resident of Freetown, possess the new national identity card, and have their bail approved by the Deputy Assistant Registrar.

The accused faced charges of conspiracy to commit a crime, wounding, and riotous conduct.

According to police allegations, on Sunday, May 12, 2024, at Marimbo, Juba Hills in Freetown, the accused conspired with others to cause grievous bodily harm to Musa Kamara, alias “Number One.” Additionally, they were accused of engaging in riotous behavior on the same date and location.

Police prosecutor Sergeant 9939 Lahai M presented witness Alie Mansaray, who testified that during the incident, the accused were armed with cutlasses and sticks and used abusive language, prompting him to call the victim, Musa Kamara, to the scene.

Upon Musa’s arrival, Tolley, the younger brother of one of the accused who was not present in court, allegedly verbally abused Musa. Musa ignored Tolley, stating he wanted to speak to his elder brother. Tolley then struck Musa on the head, causing him to fall and bleed. Musa was subsequently taken to the hospital by his elder brother.

The defense lawyer cross-examined the witness, and Sergeant Lahai M informed the court that the victim was present. The case was adjourned to July 8, 2024, for further hearings.


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