Parliament approves Civil Aviation Authority Executive Director, others

Madam Musayero Barrie

By Jariatu S. Bangura

Lawmakers have yesterday, October 11th, approved Madam Musayero Barrie, to serve as Executive Director of the Sierra Leone Civil Aviation Authority and six others to serve in different institutions.

During her submission, Hon. Rebecca Yei Kamara urged Madam Barrie to do her best for the good of women and the country.

She said the nominee was able to respond eloquently to the questions posed to her during the interview session, which showed that she knew what lies ahead of her.

Hon. Bashiru Silikie noted that air transportation is very expensive and that the nominee should do her best to reverse or revisit such laws that govern that area.

He said the country is losing a lot to neighbouring countries because the taxation is huge, causing flights to land in those countries rather than Sierra Leone.

He said lots of regulations have been passed in Parliament with a new law made to strengthen the operation of the airport authority and reduces the challenges.

 “You have a lot to handle. Please try to save the country and hope you can do better,” he urged. 

He said the committee is always available to render help to the Aviation Authority whenever they are called upon to help address challenges.

Hon. Bernadette W. Songa urged the DG of SLCAA to do what she knew best to make the authority more proactive.

Hon. Hindolo said Mrs. Barrie has worked with a microscopic lens throughout her work, as she was able to ensure young people were engaged in meaningful activities. 

He said Lungi was peaceful during her tenure and that she saved the nation from a great deal of embarrassment, especially in the area of drug trafficking. 

He said they wanted to see more flights coming into the country.

He said the drugs coming into the country passed through Lungi Airport and the borders, adding  that it would great should  those working there could come together to fight against drug trafficking.

The other nominees includes: Dr. Joseph Marah as Chairman, Monument and Relics Commission, Dr. Abu Bakarr Massquoi, Executive Chairman, Environment Protection Agency, Proff. Aiah Kpakima, Chairman, National Public Health Agency, Proff. Foday Sahr,  Executive Director, National Public Health Agency, Fodie J. Konneh,Executive Director, National Public Procurement Authority and Alfred Atata Mansaray, Commissioner, National Youth Commission.


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