Statistics SL to register all business enterprises in Sierra Leone


By Alfred Koroma

Statistics SL is training data collectors to count all business enterprises in Sierra Leone  

Statistics Sierra Leone has embarked on training supervisors and enumerators to count all business establishments in Sierra Leone.

The training started yesterday with the supervisors who will in turn train the enumerators they will be supervising for the World Bank funded project.

The focus of the data collection, dubbed as Census of Business Establishment (CBE) is to register each and every active enterprise or organization in Sierra Leone, finding the contact details, main activity and employment of the businesses. This is to provide a universal census data of private business enterprises in the country.

The data will also serve as a sampling frame and a universal business register from which Statistics SL will be extracting sample to survey and estimate the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Mwaluma Andrew Gegbe, Director, National Accounts and Economic Statics Sierra Leone said.

The purpose of the census is to construct a statistics business registers that covers all economic activities in Sierra Leone, he added, stating that the data will be useful to various Ministries Department and Agencies, including the ministry of trade, NRA, NASSIT and the Bank of Sierra Leone.

According to Director Gegbe, Statistics will train about 700 enumerators who will collect business data of all enterprises in the country.  He dodged stating when exactly the census will commence, but says it will start once the first set of the training is completed.

It is fine for all those with business enterprises ensure their businesses are included. This is because government may want to take decision or develop policies on businesses and will need data on businesses across the country, he said, emphasizing that the Census is necessary for policy development and decision making.

The census is covering two institutional sectors: private cooperation or enterprises and non-governmental organizations. This will include all business establishments including branches, single entities and head office of business enterprises, says Osman A.S Koroma, Principal Statistician Head of Business and statistics…


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