Man jailed six months for destroying SLPP billboard


By Mohamed J.Kargbo

22-year-old Claudius Roberts made his first appearance before Magistrate Mark Ngeba of Court No:1 for alleged malicious damage and was sentenced to the Male Correctional Centre on Pademba Road in Freetown.

The accused was standing trial on one count charge to wit malicious damage contrary Section 51 of the Malicious Damage Act of 1861.

The indictment was read out to him by the court registrar and he pleaded guilty as charged.

It was alleged that on Sunday, 2nd April, 2023, along Main Motor Road, Brookfield’s in Freetown, the accused maliciously damaged four pieces of billboards valued one thousand, five hundred new Leones each, and to the total value of six thousand New Leones, property of the Sierra Leone Peoples Party (SLPP).

The abstract report indicated that on the 4th of the said above month and year at about 11:50 hours at Sanders Drive, Fayia Corner, Brookfield’s in  Freetown, Dauda Kamara arrested the said accused person, brought and reported him to the police.

Without wasting time, the magistrate sentenced the accused person to six months imprisonment.


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